Monday, December 30, 2019

Pakistan, India and the Second Kashmir War

In 1965, India and Pakistan fought their second of three major wars since 1947 over Kashmir. The United States was largely to blame for setting the stage for war. The United States in the 1960s was an arms supplier to both India and Pakistan--under the condition that neither side would use the weapons to fight each other. The weapons were ostensibly designed to counter communist Chinas influence in the region. The condition, imposed by the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, was a naive reflection of American misunderstandings that would plague American policy there for decades. Had the United States not supplied either sides with tanks and jets, fighting would likely not have resulted, as Pakistan would not have had the air power to take on the Indian military, which was eight times the size of Pakistans. (India had 867,000 men under arms at the time, Pakistan just 101,000). Pakistan, however, allied itself in 1954 with the United States through the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, leading neutralist India to accuse Pakistan of positioning itself for an American-backed attack. U.S. arms supplies in the 1960s fed the fears. We warned our friends that this aid would not be used against China, but against Pakistan, Pakistani President Ayub Khan, who ruled Pakistan from 1958 to 1969, complained in September 1965 of American arms flowing to India, too. Ayud, of course, was being brazenly hypocritical as he had also dispatched American-made fighter jets against Indian forces in Kashmir. The second war over Kashmir, never declared, broke out on Aug. 15, 1965 and lasted until a UN-brokered cease-fire on Sept. 22. The war was inconclusive, costing the two sides a combined 7,000 casualties but gaining them little. According to the U.S. Library of Congress Country Studies on Pakistan, Each side held prisoners and some territory belonging to the other. Losses were relatively heavy--on the Pakistani side, twenty aircraft, 200 tanks, and 3,800 troops. Pakistans army had been able to withstand Indian pressure, but a continuation of the fighting would only have led to further losses and ultimate defeat for Pakistan. Most Pakistanis, schooled in the belief of their own martial prowess, refused to accept the possibility of their countrys military defeat by Hindu India and were, instead, quick to blame their failure to attain their military aims on what they considered to be the ineptitude of Ayub Khan and his government. India and Pakistan agreed to a cease-fire on Sept. 22, though not without Pakistans Zulikfar Ali Bhutto, the foreign minister at the time, threatening that Pakistan would leave the United Nations if the Kashmir situation wasnt settled. His ultimatum carried no timetable. Bhutto called India a great monster, a great aggressor. The cease-fire was not substantial beyond a demand that both sides put down their arms and a pledge to send international observers to Kashmir. Pakistan renewed its call for a referendum by Kashmirs mostly Muslim population of 5 million to decide the regions future, in accordance with a 1949 UN resolution. India continued to resist conducting such a plebiscite. The 1965 war, in sum, settled nothing and merely put off future conflicts.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Personal Statement On Dreams And Accomplishments - 905 Words

Dreams and achievements are something that I look forward to plan and treasure in life no matter how old I am. They are the things I aim for on my existence, something I wish to accomplish and have achieved. Just like every other teen my age, I aspire to explore the world beyond the horizon. I am ambitious and I will do anything to achieve the goals I set for myself. The paper airplane embodies my character, through the skies that represents the limitless achievements and success I had, the trails that exemplify the steps I took to accomplish my goals, and the paper plane that signifies the ambitions I want to attain. The process to attain a goal and the experiences to obtain it can sometimes change the way I was. From time to time, the outcome will be positive or negative. However, some achievements I had gone through pain, it scarred me emotionally and mentally. My journey throughout high school year wasn’t that easy. I struggled with the works I had especially because I am still learning English language and I was new to the surroundings since I just immigrated to the United States from the Philippines. Some days I felt giving up because of the hard works it brought. But in the end, I overcome the battles I have been through, got a diploma and fulfilled the target I set for myself with determination and persistence. My other accomplishments were cherished and locked in my heart because of the happiness they brought. When I was a kid, my mother enrolled me in pianoShow MoreRelatedMargaret Mead s View Of Success917 Words   |  4 Pages The first one is economic stability in terms of a ho use, food, and any other essentials to the basic necessities of life. The second item in terms of success, is a general love or feeling of accomplishment that is given through relationships, family, or friends. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

HR Training Class Free Essays

Organizations are continuously seeking to improve quality in which there is more focus on their customer service and relations. In most organizations the customer service skills contribute to the success of the organization. Individuals with good people skills are the foundation to excellent customer service. We will write a custom essay sample on HR Training Class or any similar topic only for you Order Now The skills associated with good customer service are problem solving, team work, leadership selection is not an effective way to improve productivity in situations where only a few applicants compete for a large number of openings, or a business involves only easily learned tasks (Brown, 1996). Employees have many options to improving their performance In the event an organization encounters these situations, selection techniques would not be used but training would be used. In any organization, when employees have interactions with customers it represents the organization. The perception held by the customers experience will influence how they will perceive the organization and its products. When determining the training needs of organizations employees and filling positions are important factors in the HR management processes. Having the right number of people with the right training in the right jobs to meet its sales goals for the new product is essential in a viable organization (Kusluvan, 2003). A job analysis needs to be completed to know the skills needed for each position. The job description will lay out the skills and abilities of an individual needed to fill a job will come from the job analysis. The needs assessment role is to give answers to such commonly asked questions such as the when, who, and why. Conducting needs assessment protects the assets of an organization and facilitates conservation and proper utilization of resources set aside for training. A needs assessment helps to know whether training is the ideal solution to a performance deficiency (Barbazette, 2006). If training does not help resolve a deficiency in skills and knowledge, there would be no need for the training. Organizations should know the reason training to avoid wasting resources in training materials. Needs Assessment Purpose Altschuld and White (2010) point out training needs assessment serves several multiple purposes only if proper implementation takes place. The needs of the organization is the most important when it comes to the training offered. Serving the business needs with training adds value only when it is  needed. Lastly, it will help correct the issues that the clients may present. The clients know what they want but do not know the way to correct issues concerning human performance. A needs assessment can communicate distinctive information given by the client, also give other reason on the clients original feeling. The other reason for the assessment is to match up with the employee’s performance needs ultimately meeting the needs of the organization. A major role of the assessment is to gather the information that will back the design of the training, which best fits the needs of the employee’s job description. Also, it results in recommendations regarding non-training issues that are affecting the achievement of the desired organization and employee performance goals (Barbazette, 2006). It is equally as important for the individual assessor to know the issues and give suggestions as to how these issues could be addressed. In addition, training needs assessment helps protect the continuance of the training functions in an organization. During hard times the risk will not be so high if the training provided adds value to the organization. In the process of a needs assessment one should consider the needs of the business, employee performance, and individual learning. The evaluation methods consist of different factors such as organization needs, learner reaction, job performances and learning. The goal in training is to be able to identify positive changes in each of the four needs assessment pre-measures when post-measured during evaluation (Lenan Bailey, 2006). The evaluation measurement can cause the organization to begin a new needs assessment. A needs assessment uncovers the existing performance deficiencies. The assessment will address the following questions: Need of training? Organizations need to compare the deficiency to the business needs and confirm that the positive outcome of training employees outweighs the problems inherent in performance deficiency (Tobey, 2005). In order to answer this question, one will have to complete an alternative analysis along with a feasibility analysis. Individual training? Individuals that can provide a solution to the deficiency should be involved in the training. The targeted population should be analyzed to acquire the knowledge of their deficiency. The analysis will also help design the  training program needed and that would be of interest. Unstable Performance Resolved The best way to solve performance issues is by offering training or if training is not feasible offer was to solve the issues. A performance analysis will identify the deficiency of skills; this can be solved by training. Best Performance Ways? To achieve the best results there is a better way to accomplish the task. Job performance standards such as Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) should be set by the organization (Tobey, 1987). Government regulations should also be considered when completing the task in a required manner. Conduct task analysis to identify the best way to perform. Training Timing? Organizations have to consider the best time to complete the training due to the holiday schedules and business cycles will impact the employee attendance. Improvement of the organizations performance is done through the performance and commitment of the employees as well as training. Training will aid employees in their current roles and help develop them for possible future added responsibilities. Some of the purposes of training are to update employee skills, preparation for promotion, and success in management while satisfying the employee needs. Some organizations provide apprentice training. The implementation of a training program being successful depends on more than the organizations ability to identify the needs. The success depends on the ability to obtain information to design a training program to fit the need. Some experts think that the design of the training programs should be focused on objectives of the instructional training’s willingness of employees, instructor’s characteristics and principles of learning. There are many methods of training employees, these methods consist of presentations, role play, on the job training, case study, online web base seminars and simulations. The method of training chosen is online web- based training because it is very convenient to use. If ones company is not  already using it, then there should be plans to implement online training as a part of the overall plan for education. Web-based training has several advantages. †¢Provides employees access to training materials twenty four hours a day so, they can learn and complete on their own schedule †¢Management can track employees progress †¢Expenses are cut due to not having to provide instructors, venue or materials †¢It enables staff members from various geographical settings to take the training at their convenience without the time or expense of traveling. Since the introduction of the internet, organizations now have virtual online training. This is a way that the company can offer training on various subjects in an online environment. Some organizations offer certificate programs for the completion of the courses employees complete. Ways to motivate employees The most indisputable way to motivate employees into attending a training session is to make it a requirement to attend training on scheduled work hours. There are ways to motivate employees that are not interested in attending training sessions are as follows (Tobey, 2005; Rossett, 1987). Provide incentives The most common incentives for employees to attend training will include opportunities for promotion, college credits, certificates and monetary compensation. Relate the training to an employee’s immediate job Employees are more willing to attend training when the material covered will be directly related to their immediate job performance. Employees would be more motivated to attend a training session on a computer program that the organization will be using in two months than a training session on â€Å"Future Trends on Office Automation† (Rosset, 1987). Therefore, training should be provided before the implementation of the product instead of with the thought of we may use it. Make the training interesting Employees are more interested and willing to go to training if the session are interesting and they gain useful information associated with their position. Increase employee buy-in in the training If the employee has a say in the information covered and the type of training given they will be more likely to attend these sessions. Provide the food. The organization provides lunch during the training session for the employees as the presentation is carried out. This would be the highest possibility that the employees would attend this training. Reduce the stress of attending the training Often times, employees are willing to attend training but their schedule constraints keep them from taking the time away from their schedules. The organization can assist employees with attending training by reducing their workload or giving assistance with workload. Customer feedback is significant to respond to customer needs and issues to ensure satisfaction of the Company’s products and services (Brown, 1996). Feedback in training is important in helping make improvements for future training sessions. Sample of survey used to collect feedback. 1. Overall how would you rate the training class? Excellent Good Fair Poor *2. Please rate the following aspects of the training class ExcellentGoodFairPoorn/a Did your trainer actively ask questions Did your trainer have a professional demeanor Please rate the qualifications of the instructor 3. Based on your experience at this training class, how likely are you to attend future training class with this instructor? Very likely Somewhat likely Not likely 4. What did you learn from the training? ExcellentGoodFairPoorn/a 5. What do you think about the quality of training? ExcellentGoodFairPoorn/a 6. Were the training materials enough? 7.Suggest other methods of training 8.What did you learn from the training? In conclusion, all organizations should place training employees on customer service at the top of their priorities. Customers will continue to come back when they receive good service and back service will drive customers away. Therefore all organizations need to continue to enhance the customer service skills of their employees through customer service training. How to cite HR Training Class, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

As I Lay Dying Faulkner Essay Example For Students

As I Lay Dying Faulkner Essay In â€Å"As I Lay Dying† William Faulkner uses multiple points of view to explore the theme of existence as a motionless and meaningless cycle. The cycle is motionless because it is inescapable and unchangeable. One can never leave the cycle of life and death. People perpetuate the cycle by creating life, but in creating life they are creating death, for life irrevocably leads to death. Faulkner depicts existence as meaningless. Nothing really changes in the story. On the surface the characters appear to change, such as Addie dying, Darl going crazy and Anse getting a new wife, but none of these changes are really as relevant as they seem. By using multiple points of view Faulkner lets us into each characters mind. We see how each person thinks about the cycle of existence. This insight could be accomplished with an omniscient narrator, but Faulkners way is much more effective. Faulkner allows us to see a ten-year-olds perspective on life and death from the perspective of a ten-year-old, instead of from the perspective of some all-knowing narrator that doesnt really know what its like to be a ten-year-old. Also, the actual sequence of narrators is in a cycle. We dont just hear all of Darls point of view, and then Anses, and then Peabodys. Faulkner cycles through his characters, returning again and again to people like Darl and Dewey Dell and Vardaman, while having characters such as Jewel and Addie speak only once. Addie Bundren is in many ways the central character of the story. The plot revolves around her as her family tries to get her body to Jefferson for burial. Her single monologue comes in the exact middle of the book, making her geographically the central character. Most importantly however, she is the character who best expresses the motionless and meaningless cycle of existence. My father said that the reason for living is getting ready to stay dead† (506). With life comes the unmistakable knowledge that death will eventually follow. People live their entire lives knowing that ultimately all they have to look forward to is death. This makes life meaningless, since it will all be forgotten with ones death. Granted, this view could be challenged by people who believe in an afterlife, but the only two really religious people in â€Å"As I Lay Dying,† Cora and Whitfield, are portrayed as somewhat stupid and insincere. So Faulkner apparently wants us to think that life is meaningless. For the characters in his story, life is certainly meaningless. Addie describes the meaninglessness of life when she talks about words. â€Å"†¦words are no good; that words dont ever fit even what they are trying to say at† (504). If words are meaningless, then how can life have meaning, since words are humanitys livelihood Words are what allow communication, and communication is what gives life meaning. Without communication life is devoid of all social aspects, and humans are social creatures. Addie realizes the meaninglessness of life, and she knows that she is caught up in the cycle of life and death, and that there is no escape form it. She knows that she brought her children into the same cycle that she herself is in, and that they too will live empty lives only to die. Dewey Dells situation is an example of how the cycle of existence is perpetuated, even against her will. She tries to not continue the cycle into the next generation, but the cycle is so powerful that she cannot avoid having the child. Faulkner gives us Dewey Dells point of view, because without it we might not even know that she is pregnant. .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 , .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 .postImageUrl , .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 , .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505:hover , .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505:visited , .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505:active { border:0!important; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505:active , .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505 .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u95a4c586975e7a197633733ad2fa1505:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: English Coursework EssayIf the story were told from, say, Cashs point of view, we would have no idea that Dewey Dell wants to go to Jefferson to have an abortion. An omniscient narrator could give us this information about Dewey Dell, but it would not affect us the same way as when it comes directly from her. By using the first person point of view Faulkner takes us inside the characters minds and makes us a part of their thoughts and actions. So when Dewey Dell says, â€Å"I lean a little forward, one foot advancing with dead walking† it affects us much more personally than if an omniscient narrator says the same thing (471). Its like Dewey Dell is sharing a part of herself with us. She is sharing her knowledge of the cycle of existence. She knows that she is alive, but that each step only brings her one step closer to death, and she brings us closer to herself by giving us this knowledge. Dewey Dell embraces the readers in a way that no omniscient narrator could in this story. Vardaman is too young and inexperienced to fully understand the meaning, or meaninglessness, of life, yet he perfectly describes the motionlessness of the cycle of existence. I strike at them, striking, they wheeling in a long lunge, the buggy wheeling onto two wheels and motionless like it is nailed to the ground and the horses motionless like they are nailed by the hind feet to the center of a whirling plate† (469). Life and death are like the horses and buggy individually they move, yet the entire cycle stays motionless in the same place. The cycle is like the whirling plate that Vardaman describes. It makes things appear to move and change, but in reality everything just stays the same. This whirling and motionless and circling imagery is repeated throughout the book. The flood scene has the whirling yet stationary imagery, and buzzards are constantly circling above Addies coffin. This repeated imagery makes it an important part of the story. The changes that the characters go through really arent changes at all; they are just the next steps in the cycle of existence. Addie dying just finalizes her life. She was moving towards death her entire life, and she finally makes it. Anse getting a new wife doesnt change anything in the family structure. She is just a replacement of Addie. Everyones life goes on just as it had before, with the exception of Darl, who goes to a mental institution. However, his craziness is not as strange as it first appears. Throughout the entire story Darl is utterly confused about his own identity. He doesnt know who he is, or who he is not. He doesnt understand what his place is in life, and the fact that he goes crazy is simply the next step in his identity crisis. Again, it is because we are given Darls thoughts that his craziness makes sense to us. We are brought into his confused mind, and so when it finally cracks we understand why. So nobody in the story really changes. They are all in a motionless state of existence, moving slowly towards death. Faulkners use of point of view helps us understand how the characters feel about their cycle of existence, and how much of it they truly understand. If Faulkner had told this story any other way, we would not understand the cycle as well as we do. We wouldnt feel a part of they story and the characters. We would be distant from their emotions and thoughts. But as it is, we feel like a part of everyone in the story, and we can relate to and understand their thoughts.