Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sports Are More Important than Education - 1484 Words

As of 2007, a total of 15.6 million undergraduate college students attended school in search of a higher level of education (How Many?). In spring of 2013, only 14,473,884 students attended an American college or university, constituting a decrease of 1,126,116 students compared to 2007 (College Enrollment ). One reason for the decrease is that some students do not have any plan for after high school, however most student-athletes do. It is often said that education should come before anything else, an example being athletics. So when an argument rises on whether or not student- athletes in college should be exempted from class attendance policies to participate in sport related activities such as practices, meetings, and games the†¦show more content†¦Even if the athletic career doesn’t work out, they are still going to need more than a decent academic standing and quotidian class attendance to pursue a noble career. â€Å"They need a range of skills to be employabl e in the long term† (Paulson). While Education should come first before anything else, Student - Athletes should still be exempted from class attendance policies for athletic oriented purposes. Separate standers are not only fair, but actually fairer than uniform standers for all students. People are in college for different reasons and on different merits. It is sometimes argued that student athletes should not be exempted from class attendance policies because all students should be held to the same standards and criteria when it comes to things like rules, policies, and expectations. However, a nutrition major cannot be expected to receive high marks in classes that a physics major might take, and vice versa. You won’t hold an english major to the standards of a math major and you wouldnt hold a math major to the standards of an athlete’s .Nothing prevents student athletes from holding themselves to high academic standards, that decision is personal. 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